A visual analysis hub that helps marketers and creative teams identify what works to make high-performing creatives that convert.
Check it out: https://motionapp.com


As one of two developers who built the MVP of Motion, I was involved in the early stages of development while user interviews were still underway to refine the product specifications and pinpoint the core problem that we were solving. This involved extensive testing, which meant we had to iterate quickly to ensure that we were on the right track.

One of the benefits of this approach was that it forced us to focus on the essentials and not over-engineer the product. We were able to avoid adding unnecessary features that would have complicated the product and delayed the development process.

Based on user feedback, we focused on what worked and kept doubling down until we found product-market fit. This iterative approach helped us to keep our development efforts aligned with user needs and ensure that we were building the right product.